I take jeeps on my commute and I tend to notice the shit in the daily grind. What the hell is with people doing useless and unnecessary work and then expecting to get paid? Seriously.
Let's start with barkers. In case you don't know, barkers are those people who scream the jeep's route in the hopes that they will attract passengers. And then they expect the drivers to give them money. Now, I didn't really conduct studies about this, but I am fairly confident that jeepney rides are not exactly commodities that require sales talk. It's not as if I'm walking one day, and then someone screams at me and then I happen to decide I want to ride. Any form of commute is something you either do or do not. There is no impulse ride.
Still, these barkers are out there and they make themselves believe they're doing something good when they're actually useless. Jeepney drivers are the victim here since if they don't pay these good-for-nothing bastards, the barkers will throw rocks at their jeep.
Watch-Your-Car Boys
This one is even more fucked up. These kids try to get you into a "contract" where they watch your parked car and then you pay them later when you get back. Now, why the hell do you have to pay them to "watch your car?" Because if you don't they'll damage your ride.
Windshield Punas Boys/Carwash Boys
If you've ever been out on the road, you'd have seen these boys. Usually found in intersections, these kids carry dirty pan holders which they use to wipe car windshields, windows, and side-mirrors of unfortunate cars waiting for the light to go green. In some cases (if you happen to be stuck in a road beside a squatter area), they take it to the next level by carrying a pail of dirty soapy water to wash your car with.
And since drivers are stuck inside their cars, they can do nothing while these people dirty their car. Worse, these people are expecting money from their sloppy shit.
I'm an elitist, I know.
Beastie Boy
2 days ago